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Nicholas J. L. Luker

Alexander Kuprin

Alexander Kuprin
This monograph in the Twayne series surveys the varied life and work of Kuprin, who with Chekhov and Gorky was one of the best-known Russian prose writers of the early 1900s. Beside his contemporaries he has received scant critical attention, and within the limits imposed by the series, this study with its bibliography aims to redress the balance.
Boston, G K Hall, USA 1978


  1. About the Author
  2. Preface
  3. Chronology
  4. Biography and Literary Beginnings
  5. Kiev Years
  6. Petersburg
  7. The Duel
  8. 1905 and After
  9. War and Revolution
  10. The Twilight Years
  11. Epilogue
  12. Notes and References
  13. Selected Bibliography

Notes and References

Извиняюсь, но раздел "Notes and References" вам придется найти в печатном издании книги.

I apologize, but the section "Notes and References" to you should be found in the printed edition of the book.

Alexander Kuprin
Author: Nicholas J. L. Luker
Format: Book
Publish Date: January 1978
ISBN: 0805763228

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